Quiz aardbeskriuwingen Results You knew them all. Lokwinske! Not perfect yet. Try again? #1. aardich tough tough wise wise nice nice clumsy clumsy #2. boas evil evil determined determined clever clever nice nice #3. beret lively lively fickly fickly determined determined nasty nasty #4. dom deaf deaf dumb dumb #5. tûk crazy crazy clumsy clumsy curious curious clever clever #6. ûnhandich strong and silent strong and silent evil evil nasty nasty clumsy clumsy #7. trou stubborn stubborn loyal loyal nice nice clever clever #8. wif tough tough fickle fickle loving loving evil evil #9. gemien nasty nasty foolish foolish nice nice dumb dumb #10. stoer tough tough loving loving stubborn stubborn loyal loyal #11. ûnnoazel friendly friendly fickle fickle lively lively foolish foolish #12. earlik nasty nasty honest honest loyal loyal stubborn stubborn #13. steil evil evil strong and silent strong and silent clever clever dumb dumb #14. eigensinnich clumsy clumsy honest honest friendly friendly stubborn stubborn #15. freonlik honest honest nasty nasty lively lively friendly friendly #16. belêzen belittling belittling erudite erudite brave brave stupid stupid #17. leafdefol erudite erudite fickle fickle loving loving clumsy clumsy #18. drok determined determined lively lively loyal loyal stubborn stubborn #19. nijsgjirrich curious curious loyal loyal honest honest tough tough #20. wiis wise wise wounded wounded woke woke wild wild Afsluiten