
Lokwinske! A perfect score!

Not perfect yet. Try again?

#1. the toilet

#2. the kitchens

#3. the bedroom

#4. the living-rooms

#5. the bedrooms

#6. the backyard

#7. the attic

#8. the dormer

#9. the corridor

#10. the floors

#11. the carport

#12. every ceiling

#13. the garage

#14. the roofs

#15. the roof

#16. the door

#17. the scullery

#18. the groundfloor

#19. four walls

#20. the terrace

#21. the first floor

#22. no window

#23. two flowerbeds

#24. five windows

#25. the front garden

#26. the garden

#27. the corridors

#28. the garden shed

#29. de keuken

#30. the cellars
