Results Perfect! Not perfect yet. Try again? Doorgaan#1. What does the streetname ‘Noarderbuorren’ mean? Northern part of the centre Northern part of the centre Northern Borrow Northern Borrow Lower stream of the river Lower stream of the river Lower part of the town Lower part of the town Doorgaan#2. What is a ‘gloppe’? an alley an alley a lane a lane a tower a tower a theatre a theatre Doorgaan#3. What does ‘heeltyd rjochtút’ mean? to the right to the right straight ahead straight ahead Doorgaan#4. What is not a dialect of Frisian in the Netherlands? Wâldfrysk Wâldfrysk Sealterfrysk Sealterfrysk Súdhoeksk Súdhoeksk Klaaifrysk Klaaifrysk Noardhoeksk Noardhoeksk Doorgaan#5. What is a ‘skouboarch’? a theatre a theatre a car a car a tower a tower a ship a ship Doorgaan#6. What is the oldest, central part of a Frisian village or town called? buorren buorren strjitte strjitte midden midden stêd stêd Doorgaan#7. What does the verb ‘tútsje’ mean? to eat to eat to kiss to kiss to hit to hit to walk to walk Doorgaan#8. What does the Frisian word ‘hier’ mean? hare hare here here hair hair her her Doorgaan#9. What is ‘in blau each’? blue eyes blue eyes a black eye a black eye Doorgaan#10. What is the Lyts Skavernek? a street in Drachten a street in Drachten a street in Leeuwarden a street in Leeuwarden a theatre in Drachten a theatre in Drachten a theatre in Leeuwarden a theatre in Leeuwarden Afsluiten